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Big Shield
Big Shield Item
Slot Blue 2
Description A colossal slab of armor to protect your ship. Grants extra hitpoints.

Big Shield is a shield that gives much more hitpoints than Standard Shield, but also uses two slot points.

Before the 4.0 update, it received its talents from Brock's talent tree.

Perks[ | ]

The following perks are applicable to all shields:

Shield Hitpoints
Uncommon +50
Rare +100
Epic +150
Shield Defence
Uncommon +5
Rare +7
Epic +9

The following event perks are applicable to all shields:

"Armor" Shield Hitpoints
Uncommon +50 to shield hitpoints, +? to shield defence
Rare +100 to shield hitpoints, +? to shield defence
Epic +150 to shield hitpoints, +? to shield defence
Legendary +150 to shield hitpoints, +12 to shield defence
Event Introduced In Capture the Flag - July 26 - 29, 2018
"Brutal" Shield Hitpoints
Uncommon +? to shield hitpoints, +?% increase to the damage of the weapons fitted to the ship
Rare +? to shield hitpoints, +?% increase to the damage of the weapons fitted to the ship
Epic +? to shield hitpoints, +?% increase to the damage of the weapons fitted to the ship
Legendary +150 to shield hitpoints, +2% increase to the damage of the weapons fitted to the ship
Event Introduced In Fiery! - October 5 - 8, 2018

Training info[ | ]

Level Captain level Captain xp Training time Training time (VIP) Sugar Talent
1 4 15 xp 3min 2min 24s 8500 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
2 4 20 xp 10min 8min 9000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
3 4 40 xp 30min 24min 17,500 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
4 5 50 xp 1h 48min 21,500 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
5 6 22,500 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
6 8 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
7 9 400 xp 8h 6h 24min 33,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
8 10 600 xp 10h 8h 47,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
9 12 800 xp 14h 11h 12min 71,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
10 13 900 xp 16h 12h 48min 74,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
11 14 1000 xp 18h 14h 24min 80,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
12 15 1200 xp 22h 17h 36min 132,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
13 15 1300 xp 1d 19h 12min 170,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
14 15 2100 xp 1d 14h 1d 6h 24min 196,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
15 15 2200 xp 1d 16h 1d 8h 216,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
16 15 2200 xp 1d 17h 1d 8h 48min 248,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
17 15 2300 xp 1d 19h 1d 10h 24min 385,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
18 15 2400 xp 1d 20h 1d 11h 12min 445,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
19 15 2400 xp 1d 21h 1d 12h 470,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
20 15 2500 xp 1d 23h 1d 13h 36min 525,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
21 15 2600 xp 2d 1d 14h 24min 620,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
22 15 2700 xp 2d 2h 1d 16h 750,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
23 15 2900 xp 2d 6h 1d 19h 12min 920,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
24 15 3000 xp 2d 8h 1d 20h 48min 940,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
25 15 3100 xp 2d 10h 1d 22h 24min 990,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
26 15 3300 xp 2d 14h 2d 1h 36min 1,310,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
27 15 3500 xp 2d 16h 2d 3h 12min 1,500,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
28 15 3600 xp 2d 18h 2d 4h 48min 1,605,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
29 15 3800 xp 2d 22h 2d 8h 1,695,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
30 15 3900 xp 3d 2d 9h 36min 1,850,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
Total hit points 100+50%.

Strategies[ | ]

  • Big Shield is recommended for use on ships with at least three blue slot points, as not many people like sacrificing the speed from Turbo for extra hitpoints. A more popular combo is Standard Shield and Turbo, so you get both extra hitpoints and speed.
  • Big Shield is also great on Defender if you do want a lot of hitpoints and want an extremely aggressive playstyle so you can do a defender charge and wipe out the other team all at once with heavy-hitting weapons. However, this takes a lot of practice to know how and when to do, and you always need backup from your team unless the situation is extremely dire.

Gallery[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

  • Big Shield and Big Bandage are the only blue slot items to use two slot points.