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Big Shield
Big Shield Item
Slot Blue 2
Description A colossal slab of armor to protect your ship. Grants extra hitpoints.

Big Shield is a shield that gives much more hitpoints than Standard Shield, but also uses two slot points.

Before the 4.0 update, it received its talents from Brock's talent tree.


The following perks are applicable to all shields:

Shield Hitpoints
Uncommon +50
Rare +100
Epic +150
Shield Defence
Uncommon +5
Rare +7
Epic +9

The following event perks are applicable to all shields:

"Armor" Shield Hitpoints
Uncommon +50 to shield hitpoints, +? to shield defence
Rare +100 to shield hitpoints, +? to shield defence
Epic +150 to shield hitpoints, +? to shield defence
Legendary +150 to shield hitpoints, +12 to shield defence
Event Introduced In Capture the Flag - July 26 - 29, 2018
"Brutal" Shield Hitpoints
Uncommon +? to shield hitpoints, +?% increase to the damage of the weapons fitted to the ship
Rare +? to shield hitpoints, +?% increase to the damage of the weapons fitted to the ship
Epic +? to shield hitpoints, +?% increase to the damage of the weapons fitted to the ship
Legendary +150 to shield hitpoints, +2% increase to the damage of the weapons fitted to the ship
Event Introduced In Fiery! - October 5 - 8, 2018

Training info

Level Captain level Captain xp Training time Training time (VIP) Sugar Talent
1 4 15 xp 3min 2min 24s 8500 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
2 4 20 xp 10min 8min 9000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
3 4 40 xp 30min 24min 17,500 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
4 5 50 xp 1h 48min 21,500 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
5 6 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
6 8 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
7 9 400 xp 8h 6h 24min 33,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
8 10 600 xp 10h 8h 47,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
9 12 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
10 13 900 xp 16h 12h 48min 74,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
11 14 1000 xp 18h 14h 24min 80,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
12 15 1200 xp 22h 17h 36min 132,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
13 15 1300 xp 1d 19h 12min 170,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
14 15 2100 xp 1d 14h 1d 6h 24min 196,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
15 15 2200 xp 1d 16h 1d 8h 216,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
16 15 2200 xp 1d 17h 1d 8h 48min 248,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
17 15 2300 xp 1d 19h 1d 10h 24min 385,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
18 15 2400 xp 1d 20h 1d 11h 12min 445,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
19 15 2400 xp 1d 21h 1d 12h 470,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
20 15 2500 xp 1d 23h 1d 13h 36min 525,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
21 15 2600 xp 2d 1d 14h 24min 620,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
22 15 2700 xp 2d 2h 1d 16h 750,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
23 15 2900 xp 2d 6h 1d 19h 12min 920,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
24 15 3000 xp 2d 8h 1d 20h 48min 940,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
25 15 3100 xp 2d 10h 1d 22h 24min 990,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
26 15 3300 xp 2d 14h 2d 1h 36min 1,310,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
27 15 3500 xp 2d 16h 2d 3h 12min 1,500,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5 points.
28 15 3600 xp 2d 18h 2d 4h 48min 1,605,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
29 15 3800 xp 2d 22h 2d 8h 1,695,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
30 15 3900 xp 3d 2d 9h 36min 1,850,000 Increases hit points of Big Shield by 5%.
Total hit points 100+50%.


  • Big Shield is recommended for use on ships with at least three blue slot points and two blue slots, as not many people like sacrificing the speed from Turbo for extra hitpoints. A more popular combo is Standard Shield and Turbo, so you get both extra hitpoints and speed.
  • Big Shield is also great on Defender if you do want a lot of hitpoints and want an extremely aggressive playstyle so you can do a defender charge and wipe out the other team all at once with heavy-hitting weapons. However, this takes a lot of practice to know how and when to do, and you always need backup from your team unless the situation is extremely dire.



  • Big Shield and Big Bandage are the only blue slot items to use two slot points.